Friday, April 15, 2016


Here is another rough thesis poem. It doesn't feel finished, so if you have any insight, please feel welcome to share it with me.

Thank you for reading this, as always.

She harbors his ardor
at the arboretum

on noisy Wednesday afternoons.
Misty junipers burn along the tree line
parallel to the train rails.
The severe summer sun
sticks to the skin of her
back like cellophane.

They profanely sit
by the railroad tracks
pressing hot pennies
beneath the wind of a boxcar.

By now, he must have lost
at least a dollar
tossed across the rail ties

1 comment:

  1. It seems a bit disjointed. Several things going on at once and disconnected. Might help if the elements of the scene can be better defined. Arboretum to me is more a place dedicated to trees, not wild groeth along tracks. I love the imagery and flow of mated feelings and words for them. The pennies segment leaps from I know not where.
    I think I'm sensing lovers or a one sided affair with seeming casualness( pitching pennies) when there is much underlieing tension.
    I like much of it but feel some cohesion would work better.
