Thursday, April 14, 2016


This is a rough poem from my thesis, which is due in a week.

Crunch time GO—

This is a cold and murky 4 x 6
from our retired home, by
a broken AE-1, leftover from the canon
of junk our grandparents
finished using.

This is January-sharp,
the air where playground students
pretend to smoke twigs
while their tunafish mothers sit in cornflower kitchens
with closed windows and filled trashcans
smells that won’t leave
and curled posters of unknown forests.

This is moving forward
to a younger house
that never had slaves
or the pecan trees

These are students, climbing.

1 comment:

  1. It pierces and burns, this image album. And I know this place better now, because I hadn't looked deeply enough.
