Monday, February 16, 2015

The Spanish Healthcare System kind of great.

So, long story short, I began crying last night because I didn't have any books to read in English (yes, that is excessive) and because I've been terribly congested since Madrid. After this, my host family called my study-abroad program and told them they were worried about me, so I got pulled out of class this morning to go see a doctor. After a very brief wait and a head X-ray, the doctor told me that my sinus infection--the one I had in December right before I got mono--had returned.

Now, I don't identify as someone who gets sick a lot, but this feels a little ridiculous. Regardless, the Spanish healthcare system seems to be working: the doctors saw me quickly, and for free, and I only had to pay an arm and a leg for the medication they prescribed. So until I feel better, I will take my medication and continue to read free books in PDF from Project Gutenberg.

Finally, thanks for reading this self-indulgent whine-fest.
