Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Andalusian Countryside

Yesterday, when I was leaving my apartment building, this older woman walked up to me and began speaking to me very animatedly. My Spanish is still rather rudimentary, but from what I could gather she was asking me to tell all the students in the building to stop smoking on the rooftop terrace because it's dangerous with everyone's clothes drying up there and that it makes her apartment smell like tobacco smoke. I tried to explain several times that I'm an exchange student, that I live with a host family and know none of the other university students who live in the building, but that if I saw them I would be sure to pass along the message. Then I left.

But, more importantly, here is a photo of the Andalusian countryside, courtesy of a hike I took with my host mom last weekend.



  1. Replies
    1. I want you to know
      My gift is other people's songs

    2. christ that is a gem of a video - dg

  2. Breathtaking. The countryside. Smoking too, although I know you don't.

    1. Haha, clever one, Dad. I'm glad you liked the photo, though I've probably inhaled more secondhand smoke here than ever before in my life.

  3. I can hope the vile Gaulois is still only native to France.I can still conjure up the reek of their smoke nigh on 55 years since they permeated my clothes.Stay near a drafty spot.
