Thursday, July 24, 2014

Santa Cruz

Man oh man. Today was perfect and I am totally enamored of my family. They are seriously wonderful in so many ways. My big sister, for instance, took us to the beach with our (sweet and cuddly and imaginative) nephew today. She's a teacher, and while we were there we ran into one of her former students, who told me, "you're so lucky to be related to her." That about says everything.

But because today was more concerned with quality family time than taking tons of non-family photos, I have nothing more to post (and, as you may have already guessed, am too tired to write much of substance), so here is a poem by H.D.


The light passes
from ridge to ridge,
from flower to flower—
the hepaticas, wide-spread
under the light
grow faint—
the petals reach inward,
the blue tips bend
toward the bluer heart
and the flowers are lost.

The cornel-buds are still white,
but shadows dart
from the cornel-roots—
black creeps from root to root,
each leaf
cuts another leaf on the grass,
shadow seeks shadow,
then both leaf
and leaf-shadow are lost.

-From Collected Poems, 1912-1944

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