Monday, July 28, 2014


That was a pretty unsuccessful pun on the proper noun "Denver," huh. About as unsuccessful as our day was successful. This morning, I woke up and went for a run around Grand Junction, got a few rolls of film developed by the friendly folks at Snap Photo (which I'm posting here on Flickr), and hit the road with my dad (who drove the entire day, and rather attentively, if you can believe that). We stopped in Glenwood Springs and walked around town a bit, which was cool. There was a textile store which donates its profits to improving living standards for developmentally delayed adults, some of whom work at the store as weavers.There was also a sweet bookstore, Booktrain, and a tasty little bistro called Daily Bread, where we ate some Polish food and some artichokes.

Aside from our adventures in Glenwood Springs (which, by the way, it's totally legal to sell firearm ammunition at Rite-Aid; who knew?), we spent a lot of time simply driving through the mountains. My dad told me about working in Georgetown after he'd been fired from his first job in radio, and the Wichita State plane crash (Wikipedia, again, is a lovely thing), which happened right after my dad moved to the area.

There were plenty of mountain storms, and the temperature got as low as 46 degrees Fahrenheit while we were cruising to Denver (where we find ourselves this evening), which is nuts considering that it was 102 degrees yesterday in Utah.

But enough talk of the weather. (The Weather?)


-From Ancient Melodies of the Future (2001)

No but really, here are a few photos from today.

El Padre in Glenwood Springs

Glenwood Springs, again

Brindyl the dog (according to her collar, that is)

Colorado River rafters

This exists on I-70
Eagle, Colorado (I wish there were more cows in this photo)

Moody sky

Really moody sky

Incredibly, unbelievably moody sky

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