Wednesday, July 5, 2017

The Unknown

Self-doubt is rearing its ugly head once again.

My yearlong lease is nearly up, and I’m yearning for a change of scenery. I love Kansas City, happily and desperately. I also grew up here. I moved back here out of obligation with twelve hours’ notice. In many ways, Wellesley was my ticket somewhere new, and I still ended up right back here.

In every different place I’ve lived: Massachusetts, D.C., Córdoba; I’ve found solace in the unknown. Nothing could make me feel the cloudy bliss of wandering around a new neighborhood. This holds true, even now. But I’m not sure whether I should stay in K.C. simply because I’m already here. Circumstance brought me back, and conscious decision kept me here. I don't regret staying here, and I can’t accept that without questioning it. Life doesn't seem long enough to stay away from new places and adventures.

I have a few months to think it out, and I intend to do so. The confusion is part of the fun, I suppose.

How did you end up wherever you’re currently living? How do you feel about living there? If you had to leave, where would you go? Leave a little comment on this here blog. (To be honest, I’m not responsible about reading Facebook notes, but I try! You can also email me, call me, text me...)

Let me know what you’re thinking of. Let’s have a real conversation about it.

This view of Westport High is one of the best pieces of my day-to-day.


  1. Hi Claire! I am being embraced by the unknown - and am embracing it right back - so I am just commenting to say that I fully support this process and this unknown and it is beautiful to hear someone thinking it out :) Email me if you want! I still use my W address!

    1. Nina! How awesome to hear from you--where in the world are you right now? Thank you so much for taking the time and thought to read this and respond. I'm sending you an email as we speak, and it probably has too many exclamation marks. There are worse problems to have! :)
