Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Jeans Instability (Some New Writing)

Jeans instability is when a cloud of interstellar dust doesn't have the adequate internal pressure to counteract the inward gravitational pull of its own mass. At this point, the cloud collapses and begins its transformation into a star. The idea that nearly all matter is born from this volatility...I like that, in a foolish, pathetic fallacy sort of way. It makes strange sense.

I wrote a short little poem yesterday. Because I'm beginning to navigate this whole world of publication, and because many magazines won't accept "previously published work," I've decided to keep any new tidbits immediately off of this blog. (Perhaps unsurprisingly, even the smallest personal blogs count as "publication" in the eyes of many publishers.) The poem is here, on Google Drive, for your reading. In the name of tradition and transparency, the line "the shooting stars in your black hair" is not my own: it was lifted from the Elizabeth Bishop poem "The Shampoo."

As always, I'm grateful for suggestions, feedback, and the like, so please feel welcome to reach out with any ideas or responses you might have.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for reading.

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