Tuesday, February 23, 2016


In the last 24 hours, my writing has been accepted by two different publications.

Yay! This is (mostly) exciting.

My only reluctance: one of the publications has asked to publish a single poem from a sequence, and that makes me feel all kinds of funny. I don't really want to isolate that poem from its context, but I'm also a twenty-two year old kid who should be grateful for any and all audience I receive. I have to tell them by tomorrow whether they can have it, but I'm 98% sure I'll say yes. My writing will only get better, I hope, so I might as well take every opportunity I can get. At least for now.

In other news, the job applications are still flying, and I'm somehow writing every day. Sometimes, there's even time to do watercolors and to update this blog. All in all, life is pretty alright.

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