Sunday, April 19, 2015

Fillmore Jive

1. Malta was complicated and full of sense and the most clear blue water I've seen in my life and fairly friendly people and very bitter people and cheap food and crumbling buildings and the most disgusting tap water I've ever tasted, which I was told was "not fit for drinking" but I drank anyway because I'm hardcore.
2. I feel completely detached from my brain right now, moreso than usual, I think because I haven't had a good night's sleep in quite a while and need to take a day for myself to sleep and rest and housekeep and worry less about everything, which I'm beginning to do again as a result of the sleeplessness.

This song was all I could think of to post, because it's all I ever think of when I'm tired. It's also probably one of my favorite final songs on any album so far.

- "Fillmore Jive" by Pavement, from Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain (1994)

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