Sunday, January 18, 2015

Break Photos, Pt. I

Because I'm leaving for Spain in ten days, my winter break is almost seven weeks long. Seven. That's a bit ridiculous if you ask me, but it's also flown by very quickly. I've read a few books, practiced some guitar--though I think I'm resigned to always being hopelessly mediocre at even the simplest chord progressions--and lots of other stuff as well. One of the most fun aspects of winter break, I think, has been walking around and getting to simply look at and take photos of things: cows, clouds, surprised people who were not expecting to have their photo taken. A few weeks ago, I took my camera out for a walk down the street. Here are a few of the infinite things I love about rural Missouri.

Claude and Edouardo



  1. Sure captures the flavor. You can almost smell the wind lofting over from Kansas, just a few miles over that way.

  2. De nada! De rien! (francais)
