Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Excerpts from a Sixth-Grade Diary, pt. 1

I was looking through an old journal that I have, and though I realize this is incredibly self-involved and inconsequential (who cares what I wrote in my diary in 2006?), it seemed funny so I thought I'd share it.

From August 1, 2006:

"I'm feeling sort of happy-sad right now. I'm listening to Jazz [a 1979 album by Queen], and reading Fight Club. It's sort of funny, but it's kind of depressing when you realize that stuff like this is going on in the world."

I guess as a twelve-year-old I thought the world's biggest problems were underground consensual fighting organizations and men feeling uncomfortable within their own perceptions of masculinity. If only.

The backside of that page, because if there's
one thing I've always loved, it's stickers.

1 comment:

  1. journaling, any kind, has benefits. Habit forming. the good kind.
