Monday, October 24, 2016

With A Girl Like You

I have about thirty unfinished little blog-post ruminations about anything from gender roles to highway medians, but they're only yet little seeds.

I'll keep chipping away, but for now, here is a little head-bopping boost to keep this here blog afloat.

- "With A Girl Like You" by The Troggs, from Wild Thing (1966)

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Lots of feelings; back again.

Grain elevator; Moundridge, KS

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Sweet sweet pups
cuddled up
in the slightly-less-sweet underlay.

Monday, October 3, 2016


The first time I truly heard this song, I was with my friends, careening around central MA in a minivan. This song's associations have grown far beyond that moment, but I'll carry that memory with nostalgia for a long time.

- "Cheerleader" by St. Vincent, from Strange Mercy (2011)